You can now manage Revision Village accounts for Teachers and Students at your school

NB: We're always looking for ways to streamline access to Revision Village for schools. This guide is for individuals who have been granted access as a key contact at their school. Generally speaking, key contacts are Department Heads, ICT Leaders, or individuals in charge of access to resources. If you wish to be nominated as key contact on behalf of your school, please get in touch via 

And with that, let's dive in!

As a key contact, you will see a different section under the 'Manage Users' option. 

Once you've logged into Revision Village, click on your name in the top right hand corner, 'My Account', and select 'Manage Users':


Once selected, you'll see the package that has been setup for teachers and/or students at your school. This will usually be split between your teacher access and student access. Within student access, we will usually split IBDP cohorts by year (e.g 2024-2025 or DP1 & DP2) which will appear similar to the following:

From here, you're able to do a range of tasks, such as:

1. View the renewal date for your school's Revision Village package
2. Add new teachers and students, and link up access to their respective course(s)
3. View a list of users, the courses or subjects they have access to, and add/edit/remove their access as required


To add new users, simply select the '+ Add Users' button and follow the prompts. You have the ability to assign EducatorPro access for a teacher, which enables:

  • Access to all courses within their subject (e.g for Math, this would be AA, AI, SL and HL);
  • The ability to set formative assessments and tasks for students, and view data and insights;
  • Access all of the existing and new resources.


Note - if a teacher or student already has a Revision Village account, they will not receive an email notification. If they do not yet have an account with Revision Village, they'll receive an email with instructions on the next steps to activate their account.

To add students, the process is the same as above, however the options are course-specific. You'll be able to nominate the course options based on the package the school has purchased access to. If there are courses you would like access to that are not available, please get in touch via details at the bottom of this guide. 


If you're unsure of which teachers or students have activated their account, you'll see an icon with either 'Invite Pending' or 'Account Activated'. If you've made a mistake with their access, or email address, you're able to edit this from here also.



If you are not a key contact, or have questions about the functionality above, please get in touch via

About this Article
  • Created: 27/03/2024 1:58 pm NZDT
  • Last updated: 27/03/2024 3:14 pm NZDT
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