Starting an assessment - Students

Revision Village lets you sit assessments/tasks that are assigned to you by your educators. They are a great way to get access to additional content and track your progress as you go. 

On this page

Getting started

Head to You should now see your Tasks & Assessments screen. If you have not received any assessments before, this area should be empty. Sit tight – your teacher may have already jumped on the Revision Village wagon and if not, be sure to send them this link!

Starting an assessment

If you teacher has assigned you a task or assessment, click the link and you should land on a page like the one pictured below. You will only be able to start an assessment if you are logged in. If you don't have an account with us, that's fine – it's free to create one. Sign up and come back to the assessment link, and you should be able to start the assessment.

Before you start, you will be shown the assessment/task parameters such as:

  • Due date: Date the assessment/task must be submitted by.
  • Maximum time: You may sit the assessment/task any time before the due date, but you must answer all questions within the cumulative maximum time set by your teacher. If you go beyond this time, your teacher will be notified but you will still be able to submit. 
  • Total questions: Total questions allocated in this assessment/task.
  • Total marks: Maximum marks available in this assessment/task.
  • If responses are required: Your teacher may require you to provide your answers on paper or another platform. If that is the case, you will only be able to see the question and no answer area will be presented.
  • If video solutions are visible during or after the assessment or never: Depending on your learning goals, your teacher may or may not allow you to see solution videos.

Pay close attention to these details as they may help you as you progress through your test. 

Using the assessment interface

Header and navigation

Throughout the assessment/task, you will always see the name of the test and all questions.  

Underneath the name, is the question navigation bar. With it you can see what question you are currently on, if it has been viewed and completed. If you have viewed the question but not answered all questions, it will be marked as incomplete (yellow). If you have not viewed a question at all, there will be no status shown. We always give you a visual and written confirmation of how many questions are complete. 

You can click on a question to jump to to it. 

Answering questions

The below interface represents what you would see when attempting to answer questions. 

On the left, you hav the question and to the right, you have the answering area. 

The answer boxes allow 3 types of input methods:

  • Plain text: Simply type in your answers as-is. 
  • Type Math: If you would like to type using symbols and mathematical/scientific input style. Learn: basics or for advanced users.
  • Handwrite Math: If you prefer to use a tablet, you can write as if you are writing on paper using this tool. Learn more here.

Click the "fx help" button at any time should you need to refer to these again.

We understand that you might want a larger working space, and to help, each answer box can be expanded using the arrows in the top right hand corner of each answer box. 

Here is the expanded view of the question. You can also navigate through questions using this view. 

Referring to the labels below:

  1. Indicator of the current question
  2. Proceed to the next question part
  3. Proceed to the next question

You can also collapse the question area to expand the answer box even more.

Submitting your assessment/task

Once you have reached the last question, the Submit button will appear.

If you are not at the last question, you can jump to last the question and find the submit button there

Submission check

Once you have clicked the submit button, you will be presented with a confirmation box. If you have have some questions that are either partially complete or have no answers, they will be shown here. You can click on the questions here to be direct there. 

This is your final opportunity before submitting. After clicking submit, do not close your screen until you have received confirmation of submission. 

Submission confirmed

Once you have reached this screen, your assessment has been submitted and sent to your teacher. 

Next steps

Fantastic work! View your assessment or task.

About this Article
  • Created: 03/08/2023 1:43 pm NZST
  • Last updated: 08/08/2023 2:41 pm NZST
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