Viewing an assessment or task - Students

The assessment view contains everything you need to know about your assessment/task such as viewing your grades, recapping the questions and referencing the mark schemes or solutions. 

On this page:

Assessments home

You can also access your user home page by heading to You should now see your Tasks & Assessments screen. Click on the name of the assessment you just took.  

Assessment view

Everything you need to know about your assessment is neatly presented on this page for you. There's a lot to unpack here, so let's take it step by step and cover the page top down.

Assessment/task list

Any assessment you have started will appear here, along with any additional detail that is associated with it. You'll get information such as its Status (if its completed and when its due), its Availability, Statistics and any Actions you can perform on this. 


The purpose built workflow summary gives you an immediate insight into your assessment. The tiles in this area are:

  • Attempted: How many questions you attempted
  • Completed: How many questions you completed
  • Duration: How long it has taken you to complete the test
  • Marks Published: Shows if your teacher has completed and published your marks. It isn't necessary that all students will receive their marks at the same time. 

Viewing the assessment

When you click on the assessment/task, you are presented with your marks and some statistics to help you understand your performance better. 

You are also shown all the questions you had in the assessment/task - you can click to expand this question and see the question, your response, any feedback you received, a question preview, solutions and mark schemes. Your teacher has the ability to disable solution videos should they wish. As marks become available, Unmarked will change to Marked, and you will see the marks you were awarded next to the question number.

In some cases, your teacher may only provide feedback and no marks, but this will be communicated to you at the time of starting the assessment/task. 

Next steps

None! You've done it! 

About this Article
  • Created: 04/08/2023 3:51 pm NZST
  • Last updated: 08/08/2023 2:40 pm NZST
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